Q uick ---> because it's quick and easy.
A computer (obviously)
That's it!
With these simple tools you can create powerful programs that have vast capabilities!
Homework for tonight:
1) Download the required software and get a good night's sleep ready for tomorrow's lesson.
B eginners ---> because this language was designed for beginners.
S ymbolic ---> because you use text and symbols in the language.
I nstruction ---> because you are instructing the computer
C ode ---> because QBASIC is in a code (but a plain-English code)
I assume that at this stage you have some computer knowledge and have a good idea of how to operate a computer. And I also assume that you have no previous knowledge of QBASIC or any other programming language. Today you will be getting acqainted and tomorrow you will be writing your first codes.
The Tools of the Trade...
Microsoft QBASIC (preferably the latest version) If you don't have it then download it from qbasic.com.